
The Ideas Debate Continues

Steven I Weiss over at Canonist has posted his two cents on Gary Rosenblatt and the “Next Big Jewish Idea” ...

Jewish Priests (Kohanim) and Caring for the Dead

Although priests cannot have any contact with death, exceptions are made for their immediate relatives.

Continuing Conversations: A Lesson From Memphis

Long after the holidays, let's keep reflecting.

Our Reading Families

Loving literacy is something we're grateful to share

Bleed Through, a Novel by Ayin Weaver

We’re grateful to Ayin Weaver for sharing a behind the scenes look at the inspiration for her debut novel, Bleed Through. Bleed ...

In the Wake of Orlando, An Open Letter to LGBTQ Teens Everywhere

The last 72 hours are a study in contrast on what it means to be human. Jews across the world ...

You may say she’s a dreamer

Today’s Jewel of Elul is written by philanthropist/superwoman Lynn Schusterman. She writes about dreaming big.Being a philanthropist, I am constantly ...


We continue our series on giving. Autumn is definitely my favorite time of year. I love the change in weather, ...

Taking Care of Ourselves to Take Care of Our Communities

Why self-forgiveness is important this Yom Kippur
