
Obsolete Values

Almost any article I’ve ever seen to do with Judaism, any religious critique of a political event, and even in ...

Tzedakah: History and Development

History and Development of Tzedakah. Jewish Tzedakah. Charitable Giving.

The Ultimate Tzedakah: Being a Surrogate Mother

Keshet is pretty excited about The Guys Next Door , a feature-length documentary that tells the story of Erik and ...

Our Hearts Are Out West: A Tribute To Camp Newman

The buildings burned down; the spirit lives on

Summertime Social Justice

Before school's back, use some staycation time for tikkun olam

Colombia-Raised Entrepreneur Brings Latin American Judaica to Etsy

Co-founder of Ikku craft store empowers Colombian and Guatemalan artisans who have been victims of violence.

“Beautiful Pathologies”: An Ugly Truth?

A recent New York Times online opinion essay, Beautiful Pathologies, got me thinking about the non-profit sector as a whole, ...

An Unforgettable Little Goat

This favorite Passover song is a battle cry for freedom.

Why Freedom of Expression is So Essential

The terrorist attacks in Paris at Charlie Hebdo and in Copenhagen targeting artist Lars Vilks have reopened conversation about whether ...

Not My Concern…

President Obama’s comments on gay marriage provoked much comment and consternation.  In the Jewish world, while one national Democratic leader ...
