
My Four-Year-Old Just Lit Shabbat Candles for the First Time

“Tzi-tzit tzitzit tzitzit, where are you today? I need you for a bracha, I need you right away!”This was a ...

Passover and Blood Libels

The accusation that blood was used to make wine or matzah for Passover was a pretext for attacks on Jews.

Passover 2018

The first seder is on Friday, March 30.

Rosh Hashanah Ingredient Challenge!

It may seem that Rosh Hashanah is a lifetime away, but in fact, it is a mere three weeks away! ...

Sex, Violence, and, Shades of Grey

The Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy is everywhere. I saw a woman reading it the subway last week and another ...

Chipotle Peach Eco-Friendly Duck

A few weeks ago, my wife Meredith and I found ourselves equipped with a 5 pound thawed duck from Kol ...

Bava Kamma 49

More precious than rubies.

Shabbat Candles: Some Women’s Customs

What are the customs that shape this tradition?

On the Other Side of the Mountain

Having opted to leave the Interstate and take the shortest route, I shouldn’t have been surprised to find myself traveling ...

Quotes from the Jewish Bible about Peace

The Hebrew Bible has no shortage of beautiful expressions about yearning for peace.
