
Rabbi Gittelsohn’s Iwo Jima Sermon

A rabbi's eulogy for World War II heroes became famous after a bigoted attempt to ban it.

Travel to Israel

For Jewish travelers, a visit to Israel can and should be more than a typical tourist encounter with a foreign people, culture, and place

Investigating the Individuals to Whom We Contribute

A contemporary Conservative rabbi reviews the Jewish legal literature for guidance on how much to ask about a person who solicits us for tzedakah--or whether to give to all who request our help.

The Power of Inclusion, and Lessons for Rosh Hashanah

After nine years as a camper and counselor at Massad Bet (of blessed memory), and one year as the Program ...

The 10 Best Quotes from the Book of Proverbs

This biblical book of sayings and advice is full of wisdom.

The Power of Being Seen

Laura Thor spoke these words at Transgender Day of Remembrance last year, at a service held at Jefferson Unitarian Church, ...

New Ceremonies: Being Pregnant

In a world where pregnancy is a choice, we should ritually acknowledge those who undertake it.

Wrapping Myself in the Fringes

This was the d’var Torah (discourse) I gave at the Jewish service on Friday night at the Philadelphia Trans-Health Conference, ...
