

My Daughter is as Beautiful as a Doll

This is the first in a short series about adoption and multiracial Jewish families that Be’chol Lashon will be running ...

African-Born Rabbi and Activist Dies

Be’chol Lashon mourns the passing of Rabbi Hailu Paris, a native of Ethiopia who lived most of his life in ...

Cross-Cultural Parenting: Materialism vs Relationship

My daughter is wise beyond her years. She teaches me. Recently a family with older children handed down to us ...

For Cryin’ Out Loud, It’s A Culture, Not A Race!

There’s not a “look” to Jewish, you just are. This is what I was raised to believe in the Jewish ...

Becoming a Jewish Ethiopian American Family

It is an incredible responsibility to raise a child. In choosing foreign adoption, we have become parents to a beautiful ...
