What is Anger For?
There are three (types) of people the Holy One loves: One who does not get angry. One who does not ...
Fighting for our Sacred Center
Yesterday, around the world, we Jews observed Tisha B’Av, a day of grieving the historical destruction of the Jerusalem Temple, ...
My Brain is Full! And So Is My Heart.
One of my favorite Gary Larson cartoons features a boy in a classroom, hand raised, as he says: “May I ...
A String Around Your Finger
For all the spiritual riches of religious tradition, sometimes we forget our spiritual essence – the spark of divinity we associate with ...
Born Jewish or Not, You Matter
The way I look — my golden complexion and the abundance of ringlet curls on my head — combined with the difference in my upbringing have always challenged my place in society and even in the Jewish community.
(Rock) Climbing to the World to Come
A few months ago, even though I’m afraid of heights, I joined the local rock gym. No, I had never ...
Strangers and Black Crabs
My husband and I just returned from vacation, which included a stop in the Bahamas. Lucky for us, it rained. ...
Online classes with MyJewishLearning
This Holiday season MyJewishLearning is offering two live, interactive, online classes designed to help you prepare for Thanksgiving.Global Day of ...
Shabbat: A Cure for Busyness
As I write this, I am simultaneously:1. Compulsively checking my email, Twitter, and Facebook. 2. Waiting for an “important” text ...
Pharaoh Was A Nazi
You know how Godwin’s law says that every internet argument eventually breaks down into someone calling someone else Hitler or ...