What We Can Learn About Trans Allyship From Our Patriarchs & Matriarchs
In honor of the upcoming annual observance of Transgender Day of Remembrance we are devoting space in our blog to posts ...
Eliezer: The Servant Disciple
When LGBT Jews re-encounter their tradition on their own terms, they can experience spiritual risk, iconoclasm, and reimagined faith. One ...
Do We Find in the Torah Just What We Want to See?
Earlier this month in The New York Times, Reza Aslan continued an ongoing argument against Bill Maher’s blanket condemnation of ...
I’m Only Happy When it Rains
Every year, I do my best to engage with the process of teshuvah (repentance) during the High Holidays. A few weeks ...
Our Prophets, Ourselves: Jonah, Judgment and the Act of Repentance
In many ways, the message of the Book of Jonah seems antithetical to that of Yom Kippur.
Look Both Ways Before Crossing!
As we cross from 5774 to 5775, the Akeida (the Binding of Isaac, which is traditionally read on Rosh Hashanah) ...
Parashat Ki Tavo: Fine-Tune Your Spiritual Hearing
Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...
Parashat Shoftim: Building a Just Society
Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...
The Tragedy of Comedy: What Good May Come of Robin Williams’ Death?
I’ve never cried when a celebrity suddenly dies. It has always seemed like something that just happens. Certainly, it’s a ...
VeAhavta: And You Shall Love
Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...