

Find room for God? Or finding God in the room?

On Christmas morning, I’m reviewing the news online and I catch the Huffington Post’s summary of the Pope’s Christmas Eve ...

B’reshit and Bashert: In Our beginning, All Kinds of Love Were Sanctified

Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...

History, Memory and the Making of Community

Each week Jews read sections of the Torah, known as parshiyot, inspiring endless examination year after year. Each week we we ...

Codex versus Kindle

Although it fell, in retrospect, at the mid-point between the launch of the Kindle and the Kindle 2, I don’t ...

Chaim Sheba

In Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People, Harry Ostrer wrote about a series of scientists who contributed to ...

Woe to Their Wives

When stories are told, we sometimes see them through the lens of the characters, sometimes from the vantage point of ...
