Camp Directors


“Don’t Forget!” Preparing Your Kids for Camp … and Beyond

I was nine years old my first summer at camp. When I came home, my mother (who had never been ...

Why Camp?

This is the last in a series of four blog entries called “Why Camp?” Part 4: Spirituality and Positive Jewish Experience ...

Top 10 Ways to Get Ready for Camp

1. Get Outside and Get Moving. Make sure your camper increases their physical activity prior to camp so that they ...

What Do You Do the Rest of the Year?

I have clear visions of my daydreams from years ago.  Images of clear blue skies, the shiniest sunny days, a ...

Camp Connects

It’s hard to believe that we’re now less than 50 days away from the start of another summer!  Many campers ...

Why Camp?

This third in a series of four blog entries, “Why Camp?” will examine some of the benefits that Jewish residential ...

You’re A Camp Director?

Rabbi Isaac Saposnik is the director of Camp JRF in South Sterling, PA.When I tell people that I’m a camp ...

April Director’s Corner

Stefan Teodosic is the Executive Director of B’nai B’rith Beber Camp and the Perlman Conference Center in Mukwonago, Wisconsin.There are ...

Why Camp?

Jamie Simon and Aaron Mandel are the director and assistant director (respectively) of Camp Tawonga in Groveland, CA. This second ...

Saying Yes

Joel Yanofsky is the author of Bad Animals: A Father’s Accidental Education in Autism.   We figured we were all set. ...
