Why Choose Judaism?
But why would they choose Judaism?This is a question I hear often. In my work helping to celebrate the racial and ...
Wandering Mother, Wondering Daughter: Part 1
“Jew town,” Mom directed the autorickshaw driver.“Where in Jew town?” he asked in Malayalam.“The big church,” Mom responded, because she ...
Orthodox Black Rapper Celebrates life out of the Closet
“Last Shabbos, because of me more people were talking about gay rights around the the Shabbes table, and it’s a ...
The blessings of a mixed multitude
A few weeks before I began rabbinical school, I took a vacation and went to visit my in-laws where they ...
On Carrots and Fishes and Jewish Souls
I spent several years traveling the world, trying on different faiths, seeing which one fits. At the end of my ...