current events


“Profit is a Great Motivator for Tolerance”: Mississippi Jewish History Has Something to Say

Have you seen this image yet? If not, can you guess which state it may be from? Believe it or ...

Is Mardi Gras More Jewish Than You Think?

The parades of Mardi Gras are a communal event. It isn’t unusual for folks to begin gathering in their favorite ...

A Noose Around James Meredith’s Neck: Where Do We Go From Here?

Earlier this week, in Oxford, Mississippi,  two unidentified perpetrators placed a noose around the neck of the James Meredith statue at ...

Southern Snow Days

It’s a Southern Snow Day, y’all! This means a few things. Everyone should be careful on the roads or stay ...

A Different Kind of Slingshot

The Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life (ISJL) is honored to be in the 2013-2014 Slingshot class, and selected again ...

Thoughts on the #Shutdown: “For Our Nation And Its Rulers”…

I was listening to National Public Radio on the way into work this morning, hearing more and more details of ...

The Hobby Lobby Hanukkah Hubbub

This week, my Facebook news-feed is filled with outrage about the fact that Hobby Lobby won’t carry Hanukkah decorations. Many ...

“How I Met Your Rabbi” – Or, “How I Met Your Mother/Father God”?

Today’s post is from Education Fellow Amanda Winer. “Kids, let me tell you the story of how I met your ...

9/11 – Where Are We, 12 Years Later?

Where were you when the planes hit the towers? It’s a question people are asking and answering all day today, ...

The Forward Features RJM!

This week, The Jewish Daily Forward featured our very own Rachel Jarman Myers in a piece about her work sharing ...
