On Civil Discourse
One of the most pathetic (in the original sense of evoking pathos) passages in the Talmud is one (Bava Metzia ...
“But What Do Your Parents Think?” (Part II)
Happy (Almost) Father’s Day!Here is our second installment of “But What Do Your Parents Think?” This time, we’re sharing the ...
“But What Do Your Parents Think?” (Part I)
Around Mother’s Day last month, we started wondering what the Jewish mothers (and fathers!) thought about their sons and daughter ...
Give ‘Em a Hamsa!
You might have seen these adorable pictures on our Facebook page of smiling children with a Hamsa in the background. ...
Next Chapters (We’ll Miss This Southern Jewish Chapter!)
I am a lover of stories and often find myself drifting into worlds outside my reality. My young mind fought ...
10 Ways You Can Promote Gender Equality in Your Local School
Gender messages are all around us. From images in schoolbooks to images on bus ads, from conversations on the train ...
Welcome to Palestine… Texas
When I see the word “Palestine,” a number of images come to mind: questions regarding borders, refugees, the city of ...
Pesah— Hag HaHinukh: The Holiday of Education
Jewish tradition has four names for the Passover Holiday—Hag HaAviv (the Spring Festival), Hag HaMatsot (the Holiday of Unleavened Bread), ...
A Glimpse into the English Charedi School System
The school was on a residential street in North West London. From the outside it was unremarkable, but the atmosphere ...
Mensch Madness: FINAL GAME!
After many a nail-biter and a few truly miraculous moves, Mensch Madness is down to THE FINAL GAME.In this final ...