

Time to End the Hate Song

We find ourselves living at an interesting time on a couple of levels. Having just participated in two wonderful Seders ...

Claiming Our Spiritual Ancestry

In the year 2000, I was still a newly-minted Jew, having completed my conversion in March of 1999. As Passover ...

Passover Isn’t What it Used to Be – And Why That’s a Good Thing!

One of the most oft-repeated themes of the Torah is that we must remember that we were slaves and strangers ...

No Time to Lose

The day after the day after the Israeli elections the words of the quintessential Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai come to ...

The Pilgrim’s Guide to Success

I’ve been looking for meaningful full-time work since crash-landing in Philadelphia in August. After living in Boston for eight years ...

Real Religious Differences

Every year, I laugh out loud at this week’s Torah reading, the crossing of the Red Sea.There Moses stands, so ...

White Moses and Black Bond

The recent Sony hacking scandal raised an uproar about the movie The Interview with Seth Rogen and James Franco. But ...

God’s Abortive Assassination Attempt

Parshat Shmot which we read this week contains one of the most bizarre incidents in all of the Torah. By ...

The Pathos of Exodus: What Hollywood Blockbusters Have To Do With Ferguson and Giving Tuesday

My boys are getting psyched for the upcoming release of the blockbuster Exodus: Gods And Kings . Exodus promises to ...

Passover Doesn’t End With the Exodus

This Monday night Jews around the world will sit down at their tables and embark on recreating the narrative of ...
