Out at Shul… and No Big Deal
A series by Jewish moms and dads with LGBTQ children. When a child comes out, a coming out process begins ...
My Family’s Reaction to Fame Shark
“I sound like a cheap, mean kyke,” my father raged. “I sound like an idiot, a complete non-entity,” my mother ...
My Southern Jewish Son, the US Army Sergeant/Black Hawk Helicopter Crew Chief
When we brought our baby son home from the hospital nearly 27 years ago, we imagined many things for his ...
Are today’s Americans really wimps?
Recently there has been a rash of articles declaring how stupid American parents have overcoddled their children in all sorts ...
Family Stories Part I… and Part II
A series by Jewish moms and dads with LGBTQ children. When a child comes out, a coming out process begins ...
When 50 Happens to Good People: Part One
I turned 50. It wasn’t supposed to happen to me. I do yoga. I moisturize. I still fit into the ...
Orthodox Parents, United by Love of Torah… and Our LGBT Children
A series by Jewish moms and dads with LGBTQ children. When a child comes out, a coming out process begins ...
The Memorial
I recently attended my friend’s father’s memorial. It was held at the Faculty House of Columbia University in a perfectly ...
The Mishpocheh Connection
“I’ve dictated a sharp article against the Jews,” Joseph Goebbels boasted in a journal entry in 1933. “At its mere ...
The Choice We Made: Confirmation & Commitment to Community
As a parent of teenagers, there are times when you make decisions for your kids and there are times when ...