

5 Multicultural Recipes for Rosh Hashanah

From Asian challah to "Afro-Ashkefardi" chicken, these dishes will add flair to your holiday table.

Highlighting the History of Huntsville’s Jewish Community

During the fall of 2011 Margaret Anne Goldsmith, a descendant of the first four Jewish families to settle in Huntsville, ...

Race in America: It’s Personal

I have a black son.I have a black son and I am his white mama.I have a black son who ...

The Visibility Engine

Yesterday I read two articles, one called On the Invisibility of Middle-Aged Women, and the second called, Mom’s Invisible Hand:What ...

Lessons Learned from Multicultural Jewish Asian Families

What does it mean to be Jewish and Asian? Amidst the complex conversations about race in America comes JewAsian, a ...

Race: Pushing Myself & the Jewish Community

“Everyone has a different tolerance for complexity.” This is a concept that was introduced to me in anticipation of adopting ...

Giving Gelt: Starting A Family Giving Circle (Part 2)

Around Hanukkah this past year, my family decided to start our own giving circle. Sitting around the kitchen table, armed with ...

Jewish Goodbyes

This is the season of goodbyes. I hold my breath while listening to my son say goodbye, with humor and grace, ...

Letter Writing 101

We love the stories from parents of how they find half written ‘practice letters’ hidden in their kids’ room once ...

Holy or Horrible: Can We Force Meaningful Moments?

As a Jewish educator, I teach students of all ages about the sacred moments we will experience throughout our lives ...
