

Life as a Female Semicha Student

When I was young, I was drawn to the study of Torah as a way to get closer to God ...

An Open Letter to Everyone Who Asks Me Why I’m Still Here

This is the second post in a two-part series of blog posts written by high school students. We encourage you ...

A Controversial Clarification

This is the first post in a two-part series of blog posts written by high school students. We encourage you ...

The “Dance” of Halakha

A new issue of the JOFA Journal will soon be in our subscribers’ mailboxes; its theme is Orthodox women in ...

Spiritual Nourishment at a Graduation?

I know that attending the Yeshivat Maharat graduation is the “right thing to do” but it is easy to forget, ...

One Day or Two Days (part 2 of 2)

This is a continuation of Friday’s post. In part 1, Bracha explained the background for the question and here she concludes ...

One Day or Two Days? (part 1 of 2)

I have lived in Israel for most of my life. Many mitzvot are only relevant in the land of Israel, ...

Confronting Mikveh with Honesty

There have been numerous conversations recently about mikveh, tzniut, niddah, and sexual relationships within the Orthodox community. They have spanned ...

From Isolation to Community: Opening the Conversation on Mikvah

Two weeks each month, I refrain from physical intimacy with my husband because of Jewish law. It is not only ...

Fasting for Two: Who Makes the Call?

This Thursday (March 13) many Jews will fast from sunrise to sunset in commemoration of Esther’s fast before she approached ...
