

Tevye & Holiday “Traditions”: On The Other Hand…

While some of my friends and neighbors are getting ready for the holiday season by watching Christmas specials, I recently ...

Our Hanukkah Gift Guide 2014

Hanukkah this year begins on Tuesday evening, December 16th. In anticipation of the Jewish festival of lights, we’re sharing our ...

Mensch on the Bench Hits Shark Tank with His Jewish Appearance

December is here along with the season of Christmas lights, Hanukkah cookies, Festivus celebrations, holiday shopping, the Elf on the Shelf, ...

Friends with Benefits

What do you do when you have a mission to promote Southern Jewish history, but you have no physical place ...

Making Menorah-Oil… Maccabee-Style!

Today’s post is from guest writer Joanna Brichetto, Experiential Educator at Nashville’s West End Synagogue, who also runs the website Bible ...

“Only” Christmas Here? Bah Humbug, Billboard!

While recently driving through one of those long rural stretches that blur the lines between Midwest and South, I saw ...

The Hanukkah Calendar Quirk You Might Have Missed

Yes, everyone in the Jewish world and beyond knows today is Thankgivukkah. But there’s another quirk of the calendar that ...

Happy Thanksgivukkah from Keshet

You have to admit, this is a wonderfully queer holiday. And a once in a lifetime occurrence. (You’ll have to ...

Why Thanksgivukkah is Good for Hanukkah and Good for the Jews

Last week, in the midst of an independent study meeting with a fourth grader, I was exploring the topic of ...

Why Thanksgivukkah Is Important For Jews And Non-Jews Alike

By now it seems that the entire Jewish world is abuzz about Thanksgivukkah, the once in a lifetime convergence of ...
