

Number the Days

When we are small, we wait for everything. Every day takes forever until you get to the time when you ...

In praise of the boring

I admit that I’ve never been particularly hip.Even as a teenager, at best I was probably pretty geeky, and what’s ...

But what have you done for me lately?

A  couple of weeks ago, Michal Kohane caused a few ripples in the blogosphere by getting fired over the column  ...

Happiness is Contemplation

Passover ended less than a week ago.Many Jews say that Passover is our favourite holiday. And why not? On Seder ...

But the Children of Israel had Light in their Dwellings

I recently was reading an article that happened to mention an interesting study. In the study, researchers in the 1970’s ...

Dreaming About the Powerball Jackpot

Yes, I caught Powerball fever these last few days. And yes, I knew my odds were small (my favorite example: ...

Here’s to Being “Happy”

A documentary film called “Happy” came out last year, following a considerable amount of research and writing on the newly ...

The Pursuit of Happiness

I have always been struck by car commercials. Car commercials to me seem unique in the world of advertising. Whereas ...

Singing the February Blues

February is the shortest month of the year, yet to me it always feels like the longest. There is something ...
