

Humility and How to Get Some

Do we each have more to learn, things we can do better?

Should A Woman Be Humble?

“He has told you, O man, what is good, And what the LORD requires of you: Only to do justice ...

An Open Letter to the New President

Be quiet and listen. Just listen. The voices of the American people are crying out to you. Some are rejoicing. ...

Sleep to Dream, Dream to Plan, Plan to Act

This winter vacation, I slept more than I had in recent memory. Heading to Upstate New York with my wife ...

Humble Audacity

Commentary on Parshat Noah, Genesis 6:9-11:32After the great flood, all of humanity shared a single language and lived together in ...

Reb Zalman Was A Gracious Man

We are only a few days shy of Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s first yahrtzeit, and I miss him. To honor him ...

Don’t Expect a Perfect Rabbi

Rabbinic scandals, anyone? Voyeurism, clannishness, sexual harassment, court battles over defamation. We’re shocked — not just because we expect better, but ...

Choking on the Apple

I wasn’t at The People’s Climate March in New York on Sunday. I wanted to be, but I was, instead, ...
