How did they get here?
When I tell people about Jewish families in the small towns I’ve visited, they often ask, “How did they get ...
Bowling with Jews
As I was researching the Jewish history of Tulsa, Oklahoma, I came upon a wonderful photograph in the 50th anniversary ...
Rabbi Hinchin on Dr. Jacob Rader Marcus
Sometimes oral history interviews yield interesting clips that don’t have a clear home among our current history resources. Fortunately, this ...
The Adat Chaverim Macharniks and a Successful Jewish Tomorrow
This post is by second year Education Fellow Ben Chaidell.ISJL Education Fellows often work with our communities on how to ...
How to Ship a Torah
A new congregation in Savannah, Georgia was looking forward to celebrating the high holidays together for the first time, but ...
Repairing Our World, Starting in the South
Tikkun olam has long been a hallmark of Jewish life – and that’s certainly true here in the South. Southern ...
The High Holiday Research Method
With Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur just behind us, I thought I would share a little bit about the significance ...
Finding Joy
The following thoughts come to us from Education Fellow Erin Kahal.A few weeks ago, another Education Fellow, Sam Kahan, and ...
High Holy Days: Collective Sin, Collective Success
Within the liturgy of Yom Kippur, guilt is assumed to be collective, as we communally recite the sins. That being ...
Texas and Illegal Jewish Immigrants
While illegal immigration has become a hot button issue in recent years, it is not a new phenomenon. In fact, ...