Saying Goodbye To The House That Became A Home
When a person moves to a new house, there are rituals, of sorts, that celebrate the milestone. We hang a ...
Fighting Cancer The Southern & Jewish Way
Two months ago, something unexpected happened: I found out that I had stage three cancer.Since then, my life has been ...
On Being a Rabbi in Mississippi, Taking the Stand (Literally) Against Discrimination
When I began my position as Director of Rabbinic Services at the Institute of Southern Jewish Life just over two years ...
Summer Sun = Jewish Fun
In the Jewish world, summers are an incredible time for Jewish identity to blossom in children. Jewish summer camps are ...
Playing Jewish Geography in the Deep South
Jewish geography is a game often played when Jews meet each other for the first time and try to identify ...
Reflecting On A Year of Southern Jewish Life
Another school year has come and gone, and the ending of the school year just so happens to coincide with ...
At Passover & Always: On Freedom, Religion… And Welcoming Everyone
Sometimes, being Southern and Jewish means raising our voice. The Board of Directors of the Institute of Southern Jewish Life ...
The Missed Kitniyot Opportunity
Passover 2016 hasn’t even begun, and I’m already frustrated with so much talk about food. Well, this year it’s not ...
When You’re The First Jewish Friend
“You were my first Jew, you know,” a friend reminded me the other day.What she meant was, I’m the first ...
It Tried To Kill Me, We Won, Let’s Eat: My Very Jewish Approach to Diabetes
“They tried to kill us; we won; let’s eat.”This is, according to my father, the theme of every major Jewish ...