Jewish holidays


The Jewish Themes Behind the TV Show “Transparent”

In honor of the annual observance of Transgender Day of Remembrance we are devoting space in our blog to posts about gender. Be sure ...

Sukkot: A Time (and Place) for Welcoming

When Kathryn Macias joined the Boston Jewish community in the Keshet Sukkah this past week, she shared her thoughts on what it means to ...

Pride on Yom Kippur? These Nice Jewish Girls Say ‘No Way’

It was a small miracle when the Northern Virginia Pride (NOVA) committee scheduled its first pride after three years of planning and ...

Ringing in the New Year as a Community

My niece just started Hebrew School. As someone who didn’t have a formal Jewish education as a kid, I’m pretty ...

T’u B’Av: A Day of Love

Sarah is barren, Rachel is barren, Rivka is barren. As a single man, I too am barren, unable to conceive ...

VeAhavta: And You Shall Love

Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as  parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...

Bringing a Rainbow (Cheesecake) to the Holiday Table

Next week marks the holiday of Shavuot. This holiday, which is celebrated seven weeks after Passover, marks the giving of the ...

Remembering Hebrew School in Iranian Prison

I struggled to remember ever scrap of Judaism that I could. My family is secular. My mother feels uncomfortable in ...

Purim: Inside Out

Purim is about concealment. More specifically, it is about movement from the covert to the overt. There is a sustained ...

The Purim Superhero & PJ Library: A Question of Inclusion

A year ago  The Purim Superhero by Elisabeth Kushner, a story of a young boy named Nate struggling with his ...
