Esther, the Megillah, and Me
Ever since I was young, I have always felt a strong connection to Purim. For most girls at that age, ...
Finding a Place at the JOFA UK Conference
“You’re thinking of going to a conference on Orthodox Feminism? But that can’t exist. Besides, you don’t hate men or ...
If Not Now, When? Making Up for Lost Time
As I flick through the pages of my pocket prayer book deliberating over which tunes to pick for Lecha Dodi ...
Not Quite Fifty Years Behind America
Ten years ago on Simchat Torah, three American friends and I walked from synagogue to synagogue in our North West London neighborhood, looking ...
Limmud-Gate and Learning to Debate With Love
The following d’var torah was given by Lindsay Simmonds at the first UK partnership minyan in November. To find out ...
Partners in Prayer: A Recipe for Success
A new partnership minyan was recently formed in Hampstead in North-West London. Here, two of the founders, Beverly Paris and ...