LGBT rights
An Act of Civil Obedience: 10 Years of Marriage Equality in MA
As we celebrate the ten-year anniversary of legal same-sex marriage in Massachusetts, we’ve invited members of the community to share ...
Day of Silence and the Power to Speak
When she was only in sixth grade, Caroline came to Keshet with an idea: organizing an official Day of Silence at ...
Jews Have an Obligation to Accept, Protect, and Value
I am a Modern Orthodox Jew. As a Jewish educator, I have written, spoken and taught about homosexuality and our ...
Obamacare & You: Why the ACA Is Good for the Gays, and What More It Needs To Do
Rabbi (to be) Ari Naveh recently shared how he balances the line between being a gay rabbi—and a rabbi who ...
What Does the Boston City Council Have to Do with Arizona?
Last week Josh Zakim, son of the famous Jewish-American religious and civil rights leader Lenny Zakim, did something pretty fantastic. ...
When “Deeply Held Religious Beliefs” Spell Discrimination
Mississippi’s state legislature is debating a bill that critics say would allow businesses to refuse service to LGBT people. Lex Rofes, ...
The Hobby Lobby Supreme Court Case: How One Case Could Change Everything
Rabbi (to be) Ari Naveh recently shared how he balances the line between being a gay rabbi—and a rabbi who ...
Wrestling with the Ethics of the Sochi Olympics
With the Sochi Olympics starting today, Rachel Gurevitz takes to the Rabbis Without Borders blog to examine the anti-gay laws currently in place ...
Am I a Gay Rabbi, or Am I a Rabbi Who Is Gay?
Part Two of a two-part story of a gay rabbinical student in the Reform Movement. Yesterday Ari shared his place in ...
It’s Never Too Late to Make a Difference: Edie Windsor
In 2006 I was Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. Before you get too impressed, I’ll remind you: in 2006 ...