

May This Phenomenal Woman’s Memory Be a Blessing

This morning, the world learned that we lost a great voice in literature and civil rights.Maya Angelou was born in ...

With Love for Mr. Awesome

The relationships that are forged at Jewish summer camp last forever. As a URJ Jacobs Camp camper, staff member, and ...

Labyrinth: Going Green (Hint: It’s Not What You’re Thinking…)

Today’s post was written collaboratively by Education Fellows Elaine Barenblat, Dan Ring, and Allison Poirier This February, the ISJL launched the ...

Singing With Mr. Seeger

Yesterday, I learned that Pete Seeger had died. I didn’t hear about it first on the news. No, I heard about ...

In The Words of Chuck Selber, Part 2: A Jew, A Writer, And So Much More

This post continues our December series on the life and work of AIDS activist Chuck Selber.Chuck was, as his mom ...

On Coming Together Over Brokenness

 November 9, 2013, marks the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht, “The Night of Broken Glass.” It is the night many point ...

9/11 – Where Are We, 12 Years Later?

Where were you when the planes hit the towers? It’s a question people are asking and answering all day today, ...

My Summer in Mississippi: A New Yorker Reflects

This blog is written by Sam Gardner, who just finished his summer internship in the ISJL’s history department. The Neshoba ...

The Memorial

I recently attended my friend’s father’s memorial. It was held at the Faculty House of Columbia University in a perfectly ...

Reengage! The Legacy of the Crown Heights Riots & Civil Rights

This week marks the 21st anniversary of the Crown Heights Riots. When these riots took place in 1991, I was ...
