

Judaism: The Next Chapters

Building on a multicultural past to imagine the Jewish future.

Finding Encouragement in MLK’s Words—And America’s Changing Demographics

My mixed-race daughter will be part of the nonwhite majority of American youth, which is cause for both celebration and fear.

Why this Mixed-Race Jew Loves Hanukkah

How the ancient Hanukkah story inspires a modern thinking about race and authenticity

Three Things the Jewish Community Can Do Better, According to a Mixed-Race Jewish Professional

Tema Smith’s own experiences as a mixed race person shape her vision as a Jewish professional.

The Making of A Modern Kosher Baker

An African-American woman converts to Judaism and opens the only kosher bakery in town.

The Year of the Bar Mitzvahs

The “Derby Bunch”, or “Six Pack” as my parents like to call them, are a motley crew of grandkids – ...

Breaking the Cycle of Unwelcome in Jewish Life

For many of us going to a new synagogue or Jewish environment is tough. We spend time beforehand wondering if ...

Fathers – Look for those (Jewish) teaching moments

“Hey Buddy!”Whenever I hear that term, so common coming from the lips of dads in my generation, I invariably pause ...

How Kosher is “Kosher Soul?”

What could be funnier than a black man marrying a white woman?Before you say “Loving v. Virginia,” hold on, there’s ...
