


There always was the honeymoon. Then people started taking babymoons—a trip when they were pregnant, before their world was turned ...

Why I Don’t Send “Nice” Things to Camp

“WHAT is that SMELL?”It’s been almost a year, yet I still can’t quite forget the odor that permeated the car ...

My Favorite Camp Clothes

Here in New York, the temperature is eking up into the 70s, and after continuous blizzards this winter, I couldn’t ...

The Four Parents

“Does anyone have any questions?”If you attend a pre-camp orientation session, or meeting with a camp director over the school ...

Easy Money

For the last few days, I’ve been walking around the house singing and dancing more or less in tune and ...

What Makes a Summer Camp “Amazing?”

Amazing camps are made by amazing people. Not amenities.There is a list of the 50 Most Amazing Summer Camps in the ...

How to Pay for Jewish Sleepaway Camp

Whether you’re investigating a camp to send your child to in summer 2015 or still figuring out this summer’s plans, ...

Getting Ready

There is a cold bite to the air in the Northeast US that’s very much at odds with the blooming ...

The Bathing Suit Dilemma

There has got to be something between Speedo and slutty.I would love to meet all the girl and tween bathing ...

Freedom from Matzah

In its simplest form, Passover is a holiday that commemorates the Israelites’ journey from slavery to freedom. During the seder ...
