

What Will You Add To Your Seder Plate?

Passover reminds us to honor freedom - and the ongoing struggle against oppression

A Special Father-Son Duo and Their Unique Indian Haroset

A recipe for making Indian Passover seder treat

How to Talk about Race and Freedom at Your Passover Seder

Passover Haggadah supplements to guide thoughtful conversation at Passover Seder

Life After Redemption: Why Counting the Omer Is A Quintessential Jewish Experience

I also think this is but one of many different ways we can dedicate ourselves to deriving spiritual nourishment from these 49 days.

Looking at Life Through New Lenses

How the Passover story teaches us perspective

My Big Passover Finish

This year I’ve decided to try something different.

Yes, It’s (Not) All About the Seder

So what is the significance of these rituals? How do we choose what we will and will not do to take notice of this holiday?

The Value of an Inclusive Passover

When we are inclusive, everyone benefits, and our seder tables are better off.

Six New Questions for Your Seder

New questions to consider as you explain your Seder Plate

Preparing for Passover with Poetry and Dance

Poetry and dance to share and inspire at your Passover seder.
