

Why Are Seders So Slow?

(And why they don't have to be!)

Searching a Family Tree for Raisins: A Passover Story

Remembering the flavors and folks of seders past.

For Passover and the Exodus, Think Rivers, Not Seas

With a river one is able to see the other side, and so the potential for crossing over to a new life is attainable.

From a Passover of Alienation to a Passover of Empathy

Our love and concern must radiate out beyond the us towards the them.

This Passover, Slavery Hasn’t Ended

Regardless of which Haggadah you use to tell the Passover story, you can download timely and thought-provoking supplements to add meaning to your Seder.

For Many Multicultural Jewish Families Passover is About Tradition

For multiracial and multicultural Jewish families, the Passover seder is an opportunity to share elements of their racial and cultural backgrounds.

Moroccan Passover Traditions and Recipe

Different seder rituals and a delicious haroset recipe.

What It Means to Graduate

Mazel Tov, Young Graduates!You’ve done it! Your hard work has paid off. We put hoop after hoop in front you, ...
