Emerging from Narrow Places: Passover and the Stories of LGBTQ Jews
Passover is also a time for us to reflect on the mitzrayim we face today: what are the narrow places from which we must emerge? What are the ways in which we must move toward freedom from transphobia and heterosexism in our families, our workplaces, our Jewish communities? What steps do we need to take to bring us farther along on this journey?
If Frum (Orthodox) Men Were Advised Like Women (at Passover)
Gentlemen, as Passover approaches, I thought you would appreciate the following advice: To avoid the usual stress of Passover cleaning, ...
Bsisa: A Tasty Tradition To Begin The Passover Season
What is the best way to usher in the Passover season? Not with handwringing and housecleaning, but with celebration, blessing ...
April Fools’, Purim and the Balance of Humor and Seriousness
Judaism is masterful at balancing the playful and the serious, and so much of life is about that balance as well.
Passover: Festival of Binaries
Leavened versus unleavened; inside versus outside; Jew versus non-Jew; life versus death. Passover is a festival of absolute binary distinctions that we ritually link together in order to affirm our identity as the people God brought out of Egypt and to pass that identity on to our children. This is the Torah's equivalent of “Jewish Identity for Dummies.”
The Global History of Ma Nishtana
Each year, Jewish children around the world learn the Four Questions. After all the image of the small child chanting ...
From Sigh to Song: A Way Toward Freedom
Jews are a People of the Book; Jews also are a People of the Song. In fear, poverty, war and exile, song packed light and ...
MLK Day: My Second Birthday
Many see Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a day off, but for my family, it’s a second birthday. The ...
An Interesting Jewish “Jeopardy” Champ
Passover is the eight-day Jewish holiday in which we ask questions at the seder table. For one quirky Jewish guy ...
Painful Hope
I had no idea that the day I met Ali Abu Awwad would signal a radical turning point in my ...