

A New Day for P’sak

“Question authority!” was the mantra of my peer group when I was coming of age in the late ’60s. How ...

An Open Letter to Tom and Transgender Teens Everywhere

Last week the story of Tom Chai Sosnik, a teenager that came out as transgender at Tehiyah Day School, his ...

My Second Trip to the Mikveh

June, 1997, Cincinnati, OHIt was the end of a journey. It was the beginning of a transition. I had spent ...

What’s an Interfaith Rabbi?

Last week The New Republic ran a story saying that the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, the seminary of the American Jewish ...

Our Ten Most Popular Posts of 2014

With the first month of 2015 behind us, we thought we’d share our most popular blog posts of the past ...

Why a Rabbi? Five Aspirations for Rabbinic Life

On January 11, 2015, I received rabbinic smicha (ordination) from ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal. Six years of academic study, ...

Open to Me the Gates of Righteousness: Breaking Down Gender Binaries

“Open to me the gates of righteousness,” says the Psalmist, “that I may enter and acknowledge the Holy One.”Throughout our ...

Anti-Gay Billboard is Wrong, Dangerous, and Against Biblical Faith

If it weren’t so dangerous, it would almost be laughable. A new billboard on Interstate 95 in downtown Richmond, VA ...

Hints of “Queerness” from Our Ancestors, Our Sages, and Our God

Rabbi Lisa Edwards, of Beth Chayim Chadashim (BCC), offered these words last week as leaders from day schools across Los Angeles ...

Transgender Day of Remembrance and the Life of Sarah

This d’var Torah was given by Rabbi Becky Silverstein at the Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center on Friday, November 14th. We ...
