How the Unnecessary Became Necessary
I come from a rather Modern Orthodox, Ashkenazi family that is composed mostly of women. The only male in my ...
Judaism for Singles or for Families?
I’m getting married next week. Most of the wedding planning is done (but, oy, the table assignments, they continue to ...
Packing for Shabbat at Camp
Shabbat at camp is magical. Shabbat at camp means time to relax with friends, guitars, singing, and of course, lots ...
Candle Lighting’s Power to Connect and Transform Us
I’m thinking a lot about Shabbat candle lighting nowadays, in part because I’m awaiting the birth of my first grandchild ...
Violating Someone Else’s Sabbath
I recently received an email from my local synagogue‘s Brotherhood, asking for volunteers to help with some much-needed upkeep work ...
Breaking the Cycle of Unwelcome in Jewish Life
For many of us going to a new synagogue or Jewish environment is tough. We spend time beforehand wondering if ...
A Prayer For Paris
On Saturday night, my husband and I went to a local pub to listen to music. Then we came home ...
Shabbat in a Fast-Paced World
I have a confession. I had intended to post this blog on Friday, but I’m only getting around to it ...
Shabbat of Shabbats: Yom Kippur and Camp
A couple of months ago I had the pleasure of reading a very touching piece by Dr. Oliver Sacks z”l ...
Shul-Shopping? Don’t Do It Now
The High Holidays are the worst days to experience the personality and atmosphere of a synagogue.