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Abraham ibn Ezra: A Medieval Philosopher and the Poet’s Words for Today

Hosted By: Jewish Study Center

Abraham ibn Ezra (1089-1164), the subject of Robert Browning’s famous poem “Rabbi ben Ezra,” was a poet and influential philosopher and scholar. He was born in Spain, traveled widely and was killed at age 75 in a Crusader pogrom.

He left behind a legacy of poetry, humor, original biblical scholarship in Hebrew, works on grammar, scientific oeuvres and more. His famous commentary on the Torah had a surprisingly modern approach to handling the biblical text. His attitude was, “I shall be no respecter of persons when I explore the Torah text, but shall thoroughly, and to the best of my ability, seek the grammatical form of every word.” (For ibn Ezra, “grammar” was not what we mean by it today.)


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Jewish Study Center

The Jewish Study Center offers a wide array of classes and programs of Jewish content and invites anyone, regardless of background, to learn, grow and socialize with our community of learners. Our classes include text study in Bible, Mishna, Talmud, and Midrash, as well as courses in Jewish arts and culture, ethics, history, and philosophy. Courses regularly apply Jewish tradition to issues of social action, politics, interpersonal relationships, and work.
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