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An Intro to Lilith: Judaism’s Mysterious She-Demon

Hosted By: My Jewish Learning

The original woman. The most notorious Jewish demon. A feminist symbol. But who was Lilith?

Those are all different descriptions of Lilith, the feminine figure whose place in Judaism has been canonized by some rabbinic authorities and questioned by others. Who was Lilith, exactly? Was she really the first woman, before Eve, who was banished from the Garden of Eden for disobeying Adam? What do the many varying depictions of her, in everything from Kabbalistic texts to modern novels to pagan lore, tell us about this character — and about ourselves?

Join My Jewish Learning and Rabbi Geoffrey Dennis, an expert on all things magical and mystical in Judaism, for a special two-part introduction to understanding Lilith. Class takes place on Jan. 30 and Feb. 6 at 6:30 p.m. ET. Your purchase comes with recordings of the two one-hour online lectures. After you register, we’ll send you an email confirmation with information about how to join the class.


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