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Cantors on Record

Hosted By: The Cantors Assembly

Lovers of Jewish music will already be familiar with the Milken Archive of Jewish Music, one of the great treasures of modern American Jewish culture. Cantors on Record brings together many of the world-class cantors who recorded extensively for the Archive for a series of evenings of music and discussion.

Hosted by Hazzan Elizabeth Shammash, the program offers attendees opportunities to hear the story behind the music and listen to some of the finest music that the Jewish world has to offer.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


Discover More

The Cantor’s Role Then and Now

Cantors today, as in the past, must balance the demands of tradition with the evolving needs of a community.

What Is A Cantor (Hazzan or Chazan)?

What these singing clergy members do and how they are trained.

Cantorial Music

Learning to appreciate hazzanut (cantorial music)
