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Daughters of the Inquisition — Retracing Long-Lost Jewish Roots

Hosted By: Sousa Mendes Foundation

This program features the breathtaking stories and genealogical sleuthwork of Doreen Carvajal and Genie Milgrom, who succeeded in reaching back centuries to find their Jewish ancestors in pre-Inquisition Spain and Portugal. The event will be moderated by Mariana Abrantes.

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Genie Milgrom

Genie Milgrom was born in Havana, Cuba, into a Roman Catholic family of Spanish ancestry. In an unparalleled work of genealogy, she was able to fully document her unbroken maternal lineage 22 generations going back as far as 1405 to her Jewish ancestors in pre-Inquisition Spain and Portugal. She is the past president of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Miami and past president of the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies. She is the author of My 15 Grandmothers, as well as How I found My 15 Grandmothers: A Step by Step Guide, and Pyre to Fire. She brings awareness to the topic of people tracing their Jewish roots to the time of the Inquisition who are returning to Judaism. Genie is director of the Converso Genealogy Project, digitizing Inquisition files around the world.
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Doreen Carvajal

Doreen Carvajal is a former New York Times culture reporter and the author of The Forgetting River: A Modern Tale of Survival, Identity, and the Inquisition, which explored her quest to recover her Catholic family’s secret Jewish identity that led from Costa Rica to Segovia, Spain to the tombs of 15th century ancestors investigated by the Inquisition for heresy. Based in Paris, she is co-founder of the Orphan Art Project, which aids descendants seeking restitution of looted art and recovery of family history. She appears in the film Stealing Italy, the final episode of the documentary series Hunting Nazi Treasure.
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Sousa Mendes Foundation

Founded in 2010, the Sousa Mendes Foundation is dedicated to honoring the memory of the Holocaust rescuer Aristides de Sousa Mendes and to educating the world about his good work.
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