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Discover Sefarad’s Secrets

Hosted By: Jewish Majorca

Every Thursday of January, Jewish Majorca virtually explores the secrets of Sefarad (Spain). Visit Barcelona, Toledo, Girona and Cordoba.


January 6: Jewish Barcelona – Past and Present

January 13: Toledo: The Jerusalem of Sefarad

January 20: Unraveling Girona’s Jewish quarter

January 27: The Cordoba of Maimonides

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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The Almohads

The seizure of power in the Maghreb by a fanatical sect disrupted the relations between Muslims and Jews.

Jewish Science in the Middle Ages

Attitudes toward and contributions to medieval science.

From Golden to Grim: Jewish Life in Muslim Spain

The complex political situation in Muslim Spain impacted Jewish social and cultural life there.
