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Father, Abba, Tatti Circle

Hosted By: ZIVUG, Hebrew College

Join with dads from around the country for a Jewish, feminist, and anti-racist, exploration of what it means to raise young children in America today. Through a combination of reflection on modern and ancient Jewish wisdom, self -reflection, and a good amount of group process, fathers will explore together questions of identity and spirituality. By the end of this course, we will all have made new friends, have a clearer sense of how Jewish identity intersects with parenting, and develop strategies for becoming a better father and partner. Enthusiastically open to all regardless of Jewish education, Hebrew background, interfaith status, or queer identity.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


Rabbi Getzel Davis

Rabbi Getzel Davis is founder of ZIVUG. He works as a rabbi and educator at Harvard Hillel and also as an Harvard University Chaplain, where much of his work is to engage unobservant students. He is also the adviser for the Conservative Minyan, teaches regular classes, and counsels students, faculty, and community members. Rabbi Getzel is also the founder and executive director of Unorthodox Celebrations, a service that connects unaffiliated Jews with inspiring rabbis and cantors nationwide to facilitate meaningful weddings, bar mitzvahs and baby namings.
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ZIVUG provides counseling and learning opportunities for couples and parents.
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Hebrew College

Hebrew College is an innovative national institute for Jewish learning and leadership based in Newton, Massachusetts. We are dedicated to Jewish literacy, creativity, and community, and a world of dignity and compassion for all. Our students are future rabbis, cantors, and educators, and people at every stage of life who love to learn. Together, we are infusing Jewish life with substance, spirit, beauty, imagination, and a sense of purpose.
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