Flight and Freedom: Artists Ruth Weisberg and Heather Stoltz
Hosted By: Art And Scroll Studio
At this time of year, when Passover is within view, our thoughts turn to the hope of spring, with the remembrance of journeys past.
“Flight and Freedom” pairs two artists in presentation and conversation. Ruth Weisberg whose works explore history to shine a light on the eternal desire for a new and hopeful future. Heather Stoltz and her sewn creations, it is social justice that is held up to the mirror of freedom and democracy. Ruth Weisberg has been a pioneer for women in art at every step of her accomplished career. As an organizer, activist and leader she is well known for her paintings reflecting upon the cycle of life and the continuity of generations. Heather Stoltz is a fibre artist who creates quilted wall hangings and fabric sculptures inspired by social justice issues, Jewish texts and domestic life.
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