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From King Cyrus to Lord Balfour: Biblical Texts of the Temple Period

Hosted By: Torah in Motion

Join this weekly class taught by Rabbi Menachem Leibtag.

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Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, an internationally acclaimed bible scholar and pioneer of Jewish Education on the internet, is well known in the Jewish community for his essays on the weekly Bible portion. He is best known for his ability to teach students how to study rather than simply read Biblical passages. As his essays focus on meta-themes in the Bible, his readership has expanded to students of the Bible from all religions and walks of life. In Israel, Rabbi Leibtag teaches at Yeshivat Har Etzion, Yeshivat Shaalavim, Midreshet Lindenbaum, and at Yeshiva University's Gruss Center. He also routinely lectures around the globe, primarily as a Scholar in Residence in communities in North America; and is a regular guest lecturer for students at universities such as Columbia, Harvard, Princeton, NYU, Penn, and Brandeis.
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Torah in Motion

Torah in Motion explores Jewish thought through articles, podcasts, events, and tours by scholars around the world.
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