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From Knishes to Kreplach: Ashkenazi Classics Made Simple

Hosted By: My Jewish Learning

Maybe you’ve heard your bubbe talk about her love of kreplach. Maybe you’re curious about just how one makes a blintz look so appetizing. Maybe you want to make your own gefilte fish that tastes better than that stuff from the store.

All Jewish food lovers are welcome to join The Nosher as we make a series of classic Ashkenazi dishes that are delicious, packed with history — and much easier to make than you ever thought possible, with the help of Chef Micah Siva.

Over the course of four hour-long online sessions, Micah will show us traditional and more contemporary ways of making knishes, blintzes, kreplach and gefilte fish.

Your purchase comes with:

  • Recipes for each session
  • Recordings of each class
  • And access to asking Micah questions about everything from equipment tips to healthy ingredient substitutions

Take a dive through Jewish culinary history with us this February!

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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