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High Holy Days for the Soul: Teshuvah and Repentance

Hosted By: American Jewish University

Teshuvah, meaning “repentance” or “return,” holds immense significance in the Jewish tradition, particularly during the High Holy Days. It is a time of self-reflection, seeking forgiveness, and making amends for past actions, both towards oneself and others. Join us for the opportunity to hear from David Ben Moshe who will share his personal experiences with Teshuvah and the invaluable lessons he has learned along the way. David’s coaching expertise, combined with his captivating storytelling, will leave you inspired and equipped to create meaningful transformation in your own life this High Holy Day season.
About High Holy Days for the Soul.
Experience this three-part series highlighting spiritual enlightenment through the High Holy Days with esteemed speakers David Ben Moshe in conversation with Rachel Scheinerman, editor of My Jewish Learning and AJU’s Rabbi Carrie Vogel in conversation with Rabbi Sharon Brous, and Rabbi Noah Farkas. Join us as they share their profound wisdom and insights on Teshuvah, Tefillah, and Tzedakah, guiding us towards personal growth in the new year and deepening our connection to the divine, our world, and Judaism as a whole.
This series is delivered in partnership with My Jewish Learning.
About My Jewish Learning: My Jewish Learning is the premiere non-denominational Jewish learning site, empowering Jewish discovery for anyone interested in any Jewish topic, text, or tradition. It is published by 70 Faces Media, the largest Jewish digital publisher in North America.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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