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Highlights of the Weekly Daf Yomi: Tractate Pesachim

Hosted By: Pardes

Daf Yomi is the seven-year cycle of the Talmud. Join thousands of learners worldwide and Rabbanit Michal Kohane as she teaches a Daf Yomi round-up, a recap or focus on themes of the week’s study, currently, Tractate Pesachim, dealing with themes connected to Passover. You might be surprised by how much relevance and meaning Michal brings to the legal debates of the Talmud. For some, this class can serve as a perfect entry point to Talmud.

No Talmud background is necessary for this class. All texts are also in English.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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Pesachim 68

The nourishing Torah.

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