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Holidays in Midrash and Aggadah

Hosted By: Hadar

Who first celebrated Hanukkah? Who baked the firstĀ matzot? If you answered the Maccabees and the Jews leaving Egypt, you’re right–and, according to midrash and aggadah, also a little bit wrong! Join Hadar to explore these texts and understand familiar holidays and stories in a new light.

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Rabbi Tali Adler

Rabbi Tali Adler, a musmekhet of Yeshivat Maharat, received her undergraduate degree from Stern College, where she majored in Political Science and Jewish Studies. A Wexner Graduate Fellow, during her time at Yeshivat Maharat, Tali served as the clergy intern at Kehilat Rayim Ahuvim and Harvard Hillel. Tali has studied in a number of Jewish institutions, including Drisha and Midreshet Harova.
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Hadar is a Jewish learning institute that empowers egalitarian Jewish communities with Torah learning that is deeply rooted in Jewish tradition while offering a response to contemporary questions.
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Midrash Aggadah

Exploring ethical ideas, biblical characters or narrative moments.

Midrash Tanhuma

A compilation of aggadic (narrative) and halachic (legal) midrash

Midrash Quiz

How much do you know about the origins and methods of this exegetical tradition?
