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Intro to Biblical Hebrew

Hosted By: My Jewish Learning

Want to truly understand those Jewish prayers and other religious texts that you’re reading in translation? Then you need to study Biblical Hebrew!

Biblical Hebrew differs from modern Hebrew, which is spoken in contemporary Israel, in small but important ways. By the end of this six-week course, you will be able to start reading and understanding simple Hebrew sentences in the Bible.

Your purchase gets you:

  • Six classes of live instruction with Natasha Shabat, who has been teaching Hebrew to beginners for nearly 30 years
  • Recordings of each class that won’t expire, so you can review what you’ve learned and continue the study on your own time
  • Homework assignments designed to help you retain the material
  • Access to a community of fellow learners whom you can connect with

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9 Things to Know About the Daf Yomi (Daily Page of Talmud)

 How to participate in the longest-running Jewish book club (even if you can’t read Hebrew).

Siddur: Jewish Prayer Book

Is the siddur a holy text or crib notes for a conversation with God?

Bech, A Book

A novel by John Updike.
