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Israeli Poetry as a Window to Israeli Society and History

Hosted By: Pardes

There are many ways to tell Israel’s story. This class does not talk about Israel – it listens. It listens to the authentic voices of Israeli writers ‎who give poetic expressions to the stories of revival, the struggles for security and peace, the ‎shortcomings of discrimination and the effort to find a balance between contradictory aspirations. It is ‎not the only way to tell the story but it is an interesting one. Participants will be invited into some of ‎the inner Israeli discourse of Israeli poetry, music and literature and learn its vocabulary.‎

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Dr. Rachel Korazim

Rachel Korazim engages audiences worldwide through innovative presentations built around the stories, poems and songs of Israel’s best writers. Her thought-provoking talks open a window onto Israeli society, inviting listeners to engage with the country and its history in new ways. Rachel is a graduate of Haifa University with a PhD in Jewish education. Until 2008, Rachel was the Academic Director of Distance learning programs at The Jewish Agency for Israel, Department of Education.
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Pardes is a Jewish learning community based in Jerusalem, with programs and events worldwide.
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