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Jewish Greece: a Journey to the Past and Present

Hosted By: The Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America

A three part series Exploring the Sephardic and Romaniote history and architecture of the synagogues of Greece, led by Professor Elias Messinas, one of the leading restoration architects for the synagogues of Greece.

Part I – JEWISH GREECE: A JOURNEY TO THE PAST AND PRESENT: Sephardic Synagogues in Greece
Part II – JEWISH GREECE: A JOURNEY TO THE PAST AND PRESENT: Romaniote Synagogues in Greece
Part III – JEWISH GREECE: A JOURNEY TO THE PAST AND PRESENT: The Architecture of the Synagogues in Greece

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


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Synagogues of Ukraine, Past and Present

Photos and illustrations of Ukraine's historic synagogues provide a glimpse into Eastern European Jewish life throughout the last 500 years.

Pre-Modern Synagogue Architecture and Interior Design

Synagogues share certain functional interior furnishings, but there is no architectural design or artistic style that characterizes a synagogue.

Are Esther and Mordechai Buried in This Iranian Tomb?

The purported burial site of Purim's Persian queen was a pilgrimage site for Iran's Jews.
