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Jonah, the Reluctant Prophet

Hosted By: Haberman Institute

This is a 6-part course that runs from April 7-May 12.

A scan of the Books of Israelite Prophets seems to indicate that Jonah, despite his reluctance, was one of the most successful of Hebrew prophets. It is a shame that most Jews only encounter his narrative on Yom Kippur afternoon, at the end of a day of fasting, when perhaps attentiveness is not at its best. We will take our time to unpack the Book of Jonah and give it the attention Jonah didn’t want.

Please have a Hebrew Bible (English translation is fine) for this course. The text can also be found online here

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


Steve Kerbel

Steve Kerbel is the principal of Steven Kerbel Educational Consulting in Rockville, Maryland. In this capacity, Steve trains teachers and writes curricula for congregational, day schools and Federations throughout the US. Before this, he served as Director of Education for Congregation B’nai Tzedek and Ohr Kodesh Congregation for a combined 14 years. Steve has also been a full-time faculty member at the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School in Rockville and an educational consultant to the Seaboard Region of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Among Steve’s consulting activities, he facilitates wine tastings featuring Israeli wines and teaches about the geography of diversity of Israel through its wines and wine makers.
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Haberman Institute

The Haberman Institute provides adult learning opportunties in Jewish thought, history, and culture.
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