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Minyan Chadash

Hosted By: Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach

Join Temple Emanu-El for a new take on an ancient tradition!
Monday and Thursday Mornings at 8:45 AM Live-Streamed on the Temple Emanu-El websit

To sign up, please contact Rabbi Resnick at rabbimichael@tepb.org for login information.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach

At Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach, we strive to make our congregation a Kehillah Kedoshah – a Holy Community – one dedicated to Torah (Jewish Learning), Avodah (Prayer and Spiritual Growth), and Gimilut Hasadim (Personal Kindness, Community and Social Action). Fully egalitarian, we believe that engaging in the core values of our Jewish tradition will impact the way we live, think and act as Jews, and will serve as a catalyst for real change in us and in the world we all share.
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