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Miriam, Hearing Sister

Hosted By: The Soul Center

Join this book party celebrating deafness, family, and Judaism. In her first book, 94 year old Miriam Zadek writes about growing up with a hearing mother, a hard of hearing father, and deaf sisters, fighting biases and stigmas, and living in a family of resilient and strong women who were determined to thrive. The Soul Center is thrilled to be able to be a part of her launch, to be inspired by her story, and to celebrate her accomplishment. Bring your favorite teacup for this book discussion and teatime.

The event listed here is hosted by a third party. My Jewish Learning/70 Faces Media is not responsible for its content or for errors in the listing.


The Soul Center

The Soul Center transforms Jewish life through innovative programming in mindfulness, healing, rejuvenation and growth all with a twist of Jewish wisdom and engages Jews who identify as “spiritual but not necessarily religious.” We exist to light the spark of the Jewish soul, to excite Jews about Judaism, to engage them in Jewish exploration, and to introduce them to the power of Jewish wisdom, rituals and learning.
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Discover More

Miriam the Prophetess

The sister of Moses and Aaron was an important part of the sibling team that led Israel out of Egypt and through the wilderness.


Moses's sister led the Israelite women in dance out of Egypt.

God Hears, But What We Do Matters Most

Miriam and Aaron's criticism of Moses, and Miriam's punishment of leprosy teach lessons of sibling and communal responsibility.
